call for sponsors

Call for sponsor

WordCamp Verona is back for its fourth edition!

We are looking forward to it. And you, will you support us?

Sponsoring WordCamp Verona is a great way to support the local WordPress community. The entire event will take place over two days.

  • Friday, October 10, 2025 – Contributor Day – Collaboration day on the Open Source project.
  • Saturday, October 11, 2025 – WordCamp – One-day conference with talks given by professionals and enthusiasts

By sponsoring the event on Saturday, October 11, 2025, you and your company will have the opportunity to make yourself known and meet 300 participants among WordPress lovers, companies and freelancers in the industry!

Don’t hesitate and support WordCamp Verona to make it memorable!

We came up with 4 levels of sponsorship, suitable for all sizes of businesses. Each level has different benefits, but for us, every sponsor is great! Take a look at the levels and choose the one that suits you better!

Price70 €500 €1.300 €2.000 €
Logo on the Sponsor page on the websiteAvatar from the Gravatar account linked to the email used at checkoutSmall logoMedium logoBig logo
Dedicated article on the websiteCollectiveCollectiveSingleSingle
Personal page on the websitex
short text
(max 750 characters)

medium text
(max 1500 characters)

long text
(max 2500 characters)
+ 1-minute video
Tickets included1234
Individual table in the sponsor areaxx
Shared table in the sponsor areaxxx
Video on sponsor page on the websitexxx
Roll-up on event hallsxxx1
Offer in the email at the end of the eventxx
Post on social media (Facebook, Instagram, X)1 collective post for each social during the event1 collective post for each social before the event1 individual post for each social before the event1 individual post for each social before the event and 1 collective during the event
  • Large logo on the website page dedicated to all sponsors.
  • Personal thank you article on WordCamp Verona the website blog.
  • Dedicated sponsor page on WordCamp Verona the website with long text (max 2500 characters) and 1-minute video presentation.
  • Conference day access tickets: 4
  • Table in sponsor area: individual. Customization of area to be agreed with sponsor manager.
  • Roll-up: possibility to have 1 roll-up in one of the rooms where the conference will be held.
  • 1 individual post for each social (Facebook, Instagram, X) on WordCamp Verona accounts before the event and 1 individual post for each social during the event.
  • Medium logo on the website page dedicated to all sponsors.
  • Personal thank you article on WordCamp Verona the website blog.
  • Dedicated sponsor page on WordCamp Verona the website with medium text (max 1500 characters).
  • Conference day access tickets: 3
  • Table in sponsor area: individual. Possibility of customizing the area with 1 roll-up.
  • 1 individual post for each social (Facebook, Instagram, X) on WordCamp Verona accounts before the event.
  • Small logo on the website page dedicated to all sponsors.
  • Collective thank you article on WordCamp Verona the website blog.
  • Dedicated sponsor page on WordCamp Verona the website with short text (max 750 characters).
  • Conference day access tickets: 2
  • Table in sponsor area: shared with other sponsors to distribute gadgets. NB: the table will be managed by WordCamp volunteers, not by sponsor staff.
  • 1 group post for each social (Facebook, Instagram, X) on WordCamp Verona accounts before the event.
  • Avatar style logo (Gravatar) on the website page dedicated to all sponsors.
  • Collective thank you article on the WordCamp Verona the website blog.
  • Conference day access tickets: 1
  • 1 group post for each social (Facebook, Instagram, X) on WordCamp Verona accounts during the event.

  • Invoices related to the sponsorship will be issued directly by the U.S. WordCamp management entity. The invoice will therefore be without VAT
  • Payment must be made by bank transfer or via PayPal: in this case, payment of an additional 3% fee to cover expenses is welcome, but not mandatory.
  • All sponsors will be asked to sign an agreement that will be sent via email upon receipt of the application.